SV2a Pokemon Card 151: Top 10 Card Prices
We are excited to present the top 10 card prices for the SV2a Pokemon Card 151 set. Based on the Japanese market, these prices provide an insight into the current value of these cards. Please note that prices can vary significantly by region and over time. Our list aims to give a fair estimation based on recent market trends in Japan.
At Fuji, we believe in transparency and strive to give you the most accurate information possible. The prices listed here are an indication of what you might expect to pay or sell these cards for in the Japanese market. Please remember, these values are subject to change based on supply and demand.
We hope this list helps you understand the current market value of the SV2a Pokemon Card 151 cards. Enjoy exploring the top 10 most expensive cards and see how they compare to the rest.
Top 10 Most Expensive Cards
Please note: The images show Poké Balls, but consider the prices to be like Master Ball prices.
#10 Eevee (MasterBall) [C] {133/165} SV2a
¥5480 / $35.00 / €32.39
#9 Zapdos ex [SAR] {204/165} SV2a
¥5980 / $38.19 / €35.34
#8 Dragonite (MasterBall) [R] {149/165} SV2a
¥6980 / $44.58 / €41.25
#7 Mewtwo (MasterBall) [R] {150/165} SV2a
¥6980 / $44.58 / €41.25
#6 Erika’s Invitation (MasterBall) [U] {161/165} SV2a
¥6980 / $44.58 / €41.25
#5 Charizard ex [SAR] {201/165} SV2a
¥12800 / $81.75 / €75.65
#4 Mew ex [SAR] {205/165} SV2a
¥12800 / $81.75 / €75.65
#3 Erika’s Invitation [SAR] {206/165} SV2a
¥12800 / $81.75 / €75.65
#2 Gengar (MasterBall) [R] {094/165} SV2a
¥19800 / $126.46 / €117.01
#1 Pikachu (MasterBall) [C] {025/165} SV2a
¥31800 / $203.10 / €187.93
Other Cards
Magikarp (MasterBall) [C] {129/165} SV2a
¥4980 / $31.81 / €29.43
Gyarados (MasterBall) [R] {130/165} SV2a
¥4980 / $31.81 / €29.43
Erika’s Invitation [SR] {196/165} SV2a
¥4980 / $31.81 / €29.43
Venusaur ex [SAR] {200/165} SV2a
¥4980 / $31.81 / €29.43
Blastoise ex [SAR] {202/165} SV2a
¥4980 / $31.81 / €29.43
Jolteon (MasterBall) [R] {135/165} SV2a
¥4480 / $28.61 / €26.48
Flareon (MasterBall) [R] {136/165} SV2a
¥4480 / $28.61 / €26.48
Haunter (MasterBall) [U] {093/165} SV2a
¥3980 / $25.42 / €23.52
Vaporeon (MasterBall) [R] {134/165} SV2a
¥3980 / $25.42 / €23.52
Gastly (MasterBall) [C] {092/165} SV2a
¥3980 / $25.42 / €23.52
Psyduck (MasterBall) [C] {054/165} SV2a
¥3980 / $25.42 / €23.52
Charmander (MasterBall) [C] {004/165} SV2a
¥3780 / $24.14 / €22.34
Arcanine (MasterBall) [U] {059/165} SV2a
¥3480 / $22.23 / €20.57
Slowpoke (MasterBall) [C] {079/165} SV2a
¥2980 / $19.03 / €17.61
Lapras (MasterBall) [U] {131/165} SV2a
¥2980 / $19.03 / €17.61
Snorlax (MasterBall) [U] {143/165} SV2a
¥2980 / $19.03 / €17.61
Dragonair (MasterBall) [U] {148/165} SV2a
¥2980 / $19.03 / €17.61
Alakazam ex [SAR] {203/165} SV2a
¥2980 / $19.03 / €17.61
Squirtle (MasterBall) [C] {007/165} SV2a
¥2480 / $15.84 / €14.66
Ivysaur (MasterBall) [U] {002/165} SV2a
¥2480 / $15.84 / €14.66
Bulbasaur (MasterBall) [C] {001/165} SV2a
¥2480 / $15.84 / €14.66
Raichu (MasterBall) [R] {026/165} SV2a
¥2180 / $13.92 / €12.88
Slowbro (MasterBall) [U] {080/165} SV2a
¥2180 / $13.92 / €12.88
Aerodactyl (MasterBall) [R] {142/165} SV2a
¥1980 / $12.65 / €11.70
Charizard ex [SR] {185/165} SV2a
¥1980 / $12.65 / €11.70
Mew ex [UR] {208/165} SV2a
¥1980 / $12.65 / €11.70
Switch [UR] {209/165} SV2a
¥1980 / $12.65 / €11.70
Scyther (MasterBall) [U] {123/165} SV2a
¥1580 / $10.09 / €9.34
Dratini (MasterBall) [C] {147/165} SV2a
¥1580 / $10.09 / €9.34
Basic Psychic Energy [UR] {210/165} SV2a